Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Foxboro Freeze Out

That silence you are currently hearing?  That's the space that had been filled for the last 10 days by Rex Ryan endlessly opening his yap talking about the Patriots game.  Turns out, Rexy should a lot less time talking and a lot more time getting ready for big games in the freezing cold. 

Sanchez, who I unabashedly love as a USC guy, looked chilled to the bone last night.  Gotta say, that's a bit disconserting for a guy who plays outdoors in New York.  People will undoubtedly want to get on Sanchez about the picks but I am only gonna hang the first one on him, the red zone pick.  The other two came at a point in the game where he was desperately trying to make something happen and the Pats were dropping 8 into coverage on every snap.  When you are down by, to quote Rex Ryan, "a zillion points," it's very hard to gash a defense that is designed to prevent just that. 

The Patriots are filthy at Foxboro in the cold.  The Jets are hardly the first team to struggle to play there when the weather sucks.  Ask Jeff Fisher and the Titans how that went for them last year (Patriots 59, Titans 0). 

That said, let's not go writing the Jets off.  They were 4-6 through 10 games last year and were actually leading in the 2nd half of the AFC championship game 9 weeks later.  The Jets go home to play struggling Miami, who they will probably want to crush.  The Pats have a letdown special at a much better than expected Bears team. 

Great win for the Patriots, but let's be honest, Superbowls are not won in week 13 of the regular season. 

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