Saturday, December 11, 2010

In a clear and concise statement by the College Football writers of America, Auburn prostitute hired gun star quarterback Cam Newton was completely omitted from the All America team. 

The writers, without saying it out loud, clearly felt that Newton violated the NCAA's recruiting rules.  As you are all aware at this point, Newton's scumbag father made it clear to Mississippi State in the recruiting process that a simple scholarship would simply not suffice.  An additional $180,000 would be required to secure Super-Cam's services.

Could make for a very interesting Heisman ceremony.  Here's hoping he get's iced.  Let's face it though, even if he wins the thing, we can start the countdown until he has to give it back, a la Reggie Bush. 

This kid is really good.  But as good as he is at football he is equally as good at being an unmitigated piece of shit. 

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